Drawing upon diverse experience, styles and backgrounds, we deliver client-centric, business-savvy legal expertise you can act on with confidence.
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Our US practices feature a concentrated depth of expertise in the key legal disciplines most important to global businesses across transaction, regulatory and risk.
The latest perspective, commentary and memorandums from across the global partnership.
Freshfields is ranked by Chambers Global in Band 1 across the six areas of antitrust, corporate/M&A, dispute resolution, international arbitration, tax, and public international law.
Your search resulted in 133 Hits
Tobias André Counsel
Rachael Annear Partner
Fabrizio Arossa Partner
Andrew Arulanandam Associate
Andrew Austin Partner, Head of London Dispute Resolution
Sander Baeyens Principal Associate
Markus Baumeister Principal Associate
Dr. Moritz Becker Partner
Anita Bell Principal Associate
Chris Bellringer Senior Associate
Stéphane Bénouville Partner
John Blain Partner
Darya Bondarchuk Senior Associate
Matthieu Brueder Senior Associate
Julie Chapuy Counsel
Nathalie Colin Partner
Kate Collister Senior Associate
Arne Conen Associate
Giuseppe Curtò Partner
David de Bock Associate
Nino De Lathauwer Counsel
Dr. Martina de Lind van Wijngaarden Partner
Hanno Delp Counsel
Niels Depaepe Associate
Aurélie Devillers Associate
Jelle Drok Partner
Rachel Duffy Senior Associate
Simon Duncombe Partner
Dr. Petra Eckert Counsel
Mark Egeler Partner
Dr. Julia Elser Counsel
Andrew Ewalt Partner
Stefanie Fay Partner
Renske Fokkema Associate
Nicholas Frey Partner
Lara Friederichs Counsel
Ashmita Garrett Counsel
Adam Gillert Global Data Knowledge Lawyer
Natalia Gómez Partner
Cat Greenwood-Smith Partner
Elisa Hambückers Associate
Kathleen Healy Partner
Dr. Juliane Hennrich Principal Associate
Johanna Henrich Associate
Dr. Stephan Hillenbrand Counsel
Coen Hoekstra Associate
Alexandra Holroyd Senior Associate
Tiffany Hui Associate
Holly Insley Partner
Jonathan Isted Partner
Julius Kaltenberg Associate
James Kennedy Partner
Lounès Amerouche Kessi Associate
Basya Klinger Associate
Dr. Katharina Knoche Associate
Anna Kohlmaier Principal Associate
Konstantin Kohlmann Counsel
Dr. Franziska Kroner (née Leinemann) Associate
Dr. Thomas Kustor Partner
Kristin Lampe Senior Associate
Xin Yee Lau Associate (New Zealand qualified)
Marie Laubenstein Principal Associate
Dimitri Lecat Partner
Thomas Leggat Associate
Georg Lehmberg Principal Associate
Dr. Dawid Ligocki Principal Associate
Renata Macejna Associate
Alexander Malek Associate
Dr. Roman Mallmann Partner
Linda H. Martin Co-Head, US Commercial Litigation
Martin C. Mekat Partner
Dr. Maximilian Menn Counsel
Federico Mercuri Partner
Dr. Alice Möller-Roth Principal Associate
Tim Nachtwey Associate
Vanessa Nickelsen Associate
Dr. Antonia Oblinger Associate
Alexis Ollivier Senior Associate
Simon Orton Partner & Co-head Financial Institutions Group
Dr. Lukas Pfister Principal Associate
Leonhard Prasser Principal Associate
Sam Prevatt Counsel
Emma Probyn Partner
James Raeside Senior Associate
Alexander Reißig Principal Associate
Boudewijn Renshof Associate
Angus Reston Senior Associate
Jérôme Richter Associate
Selina Riemen Principal Associate
James Roberts Partner
William Robinson Partner
Dr. Michael Rohls Partner
Mark Sansom London and Dublin Managing Partner
Philipp Georg Scheurer Associate
Dr. Bettina Schmaltz Counsel
Romée Schrijver Associate
Dr. Hans-Patrick Schroeder Partner
Alexander Schurink Senior Associate
Dr. Philipp Semmelmayer Associate
Dr. Katharina Shingler Counsel
Christine Simpson Senior Associate
Mijke Sinninghe Damsté Partner
James Smith Senior Associate
Dr. Julian Spatz Principal Associate
Liam Symonds Associate
Dr. Ann-Sophie Tietz Associate
Bea Tormey Partner
Samantha Trevan Partner
Mia Ufer Principal Associate
Tim van Helfteren Associate
Ricky Versteeg Partner
Anne-Laure Vincent Partner
Elisabeth Weber Partner
Kristina Maria Weiler Partner
Björn Weißenberger Associate
Dr. Maximilian Wellmann Associate
Nic Wilson Associate (New Zealand qualified)
Sophie Winter Associate
Maximilien Arnoldy Associate
Julian Boatin Associate
Lucy Clark Senior Associate
Frank Felgenträger Lawyer, Head of Legal Innovation
Severin Kehrer Principal Associate
Jonathan Kelly Partner
John-Markus Maddaloni Associate
Ludovic Malgrain Partner
Blaise Nsenguwera Associate
Helena Pilz Associate
Maximilian Rasie Associate
Emily Rigler Gillingham Associate
Jess Steele Senior Associate
Dr. Tobias Timmann Partner
Nils-Johannes Wernitzki Counsel