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About Eva Noll

Eva is a senior knowledge lawyer in our Disputes practice and member of the global Corporate Crime Group. She focuses on criminal law, compliance and investigations.

Eva joined the firm in 2014 and has broad knowledge management experience in international law firms.

She speaks German, English, Italian and French.


Eva was admitted to the Bar in 2000.

She studied law at the universities of Münster, Germany, and Paris, France (university Paris II).

She completed her legal education with the legal traineeship (Rechtsreferendariat) in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf, Germany, spending four months at the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) in Rome, Italy.


  • KSzW 04.2016, S. 261 Zur Kooperation mit Ermittlungsbehörden - eine Einbahnstraße? (Nolte/Noll)

  • jurisPR-Compl 2/2015 Anm. 5 Untreue der Vorstandsmitglieder bei Ausschüttung einer unzulässigen Sonderdividende an die Alleinaktionärin ("Libro") (Nolte/Noll)